Art of Star Explosion

 Did you ever wonder what happens when a star explodes?

Before that let's have a quick recapitulation of what we know about stars, A star is an astronomical object consisting of a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its own gravity. there are many types of Stars- T Tauri Stars, Red giant stars, white Dwarf stars, and the count goes on. For example, take the sun the nearest Star to Earth Our Sun is categorized as a G-type yellow-dwarf main-sequence star. Each Star has its Type, colour, temperature, size, and many other things and Stars have a very massive size just take our sun it can fit more than 1 million of Earth.

And the sun is actually classified and a small start. This giant massive size causes an unbelievable gravity which always pushes it towards its core, the pressure is truly unimaginable like being under the water, if a human somehow manages to get there despite the heat, radiation, and other problems he is going to be separated into individual atoms due to the heat!

Even nanoscopic atoms can't stand this pressure so you can't even imagine that pressure and because of that atoms fuse together and make new ones this is known as nuclear fission and because of that, it spills radiation which Is scattered into space, this powerful nuclear energy and the extreme gravity keeps the star in its shape or you can say this balance makes the star alive.

Eventually, like a living being star also dies when all the nuclear energy gets low but the gravity stays the same when the gravity pulls all the atoms and all its matter becomes like a stuffed bomb with radiation all the matter and all the great energy just BLOWS! and lots of radiation and atoms & elements just scatter into space this is knows as the SUPERNOVA 

and Did you know that every element which is known to mankind came from exploded stars calcium in your bones and gold from your ornaments is also from some supernovas and the person who discovered these supernovae, is A Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.

Supernova 1987A is the closest supernova to have exploded in modern times and the brightest and the first super Nova, which the naked human eye could have seen since 1885.   

But in the end, supernovas look very beautiful like they just came out from science fiction movies they have many colors and beautiful shades and unimaginable lights!


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Post by - Bhuvan (Gossipverse team)
